Do you listen to Kid's Place Live on Sirius/XM satellite radio? We'll we preformed on the Absolutely Mindy show on our recent East Coast tour and they've been playing our music ever since, so I hears.
Now it looks like we are in the running for a vote-off in the 13under13 Countdown. Check out the KiDS Place Live Fan Blog and remember to vote for Never Smile at a Crocodile, piratey-punk from your Pollywogg pals!
Welcome to the official blogg of the pirate ship Pollywogg!
Ahoy me hearty surfers of the seas!
This here is the official blog of Captain Bogg & Salty, the pirate-rock band for buccaneers of all ages from Portland, Oregon. Sign up here and keep your weather eye open for the latest plots, plans, and ploys of our crew.
It's a whole lot better than shoutin from the crow's nest, says I.